Miluska Schaeffer

Visual Note-Taking of "How the progress bar keeps you sane" TedTalk by Daniel Engber

Other Projects

Some of my web-dev projects.

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Coming from my passion for design and technology, I made the big jump and started my journey learning how to code by myself. I was intrigued by the possibility of creating beautiful designs that could be seen online.

After learning the basics of front-end, I decided it was time to deepen my skills and enrolled in a Web Development Bootcamp at Le Wagon Berlin. While creating real applications on Ruby on Rails, we had a glance of how User Experience is key to the whole product ideation process.

It was from this experience that I realised I wanted more! : the process from product conception until launch was fascinating to me, so I did my research and saw the importance of good UX to create usable and desirable products, that not only look good & work technically well but give the user a great experience that speaks for them and their needs. With that in mind and convinced of becoming a UX Designer, I enrolled in the IronHack UX/UI Design Bootcamp, where following the Design Thinking Methodology and Agile Framework, and after 9 intense weeks of non-stop researching, ideating concepts, sketching, prototyping, testing & iterating, I succesfully graduated in May 2021.

Right now, I am focusing my efforts in expanding my UI skills by taking the Professional Certificate in UI Design Course at the UX Design Institute. At the end of this course I will also be certified as a professional UI Designer.

Until then, please be a bit patient : the cases studies found here were mainly developed during my UI/UI Bootcamp and can be found, among others, on my Medium page. More case studies & work prove are yet to come :).